
Manufacturer Heating & Ventilation


Europe (9 countries) & Tunisia

Organisation Size

650 Employees

Project Focus

Sales & Marketing Automation

Case Study: Vasco Group


Vasco Group is a holding company with branches in Europe and produces: - panel and designer radiators - ventilation and underfloor heating system

Sales go through wholesale, installers and contractors.



Vasco Group had a dated and not very user-friendly CRM application with low user acceptance. The quality of the client data was very poor.

The application was not accessible for mobile devices, making it particularly impractical for account managers who are frequently on the road.


The sales department lacked an effective tool to efficiently coordinate the sales team. Sales reporting was only done once a month in a particularly labour intensive manner.

The marketing department worked with a different target group list than the contact database of the sales department, resulting in double the amount of maintenance and a whole lot of inconsistent data.

In certain showrooms, old products that were no longer being produced were on display (and ordered!).


Technological Innovation

With the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CE, Net IT has delivered a very user-friendly and quick-to-consult CRM tool that is 100% mobile accessible.

Thanks to the data synchronisation with Vasco Group’s ERP system, the sales department now has correct client information that they can further enrich in the new CRM tool.

That way, every sales representative has direct access to the necessary client information, anytime and wherever he is.

Fully Efficient

At the same time, an optimised and more targeted way of working was put into place within the sales department.

For example, it is now possible to draw up account plans for the most important tasks, and to monitor the implementation from A to Z. Depending on the client value, there is now a customised client approach.

In addition, sales management is able to keep a finger on the pulse more quickly and efficiently thanks to automated real-time reporting in Microsoft Power BI.

Powerful App

Net IT has developed an inventive mobile PowerApp to map the inventory in showrooms quickly and efficiently. Vasco Group can now notify each showroom manager in a targeted and systematic manner about the necessary changes to the displayed products.

This information is now also publicly accessible: clients can use the website to find out where a specific product is on display.

Fantastic Teamwork

Net IT has had a successful collaboration with the Partner Account Manager (PAM) of Microsoft Belgium who informed Vasco Group about the different options for licensing.

In this project, Net IT was also able to enjoy the Red Carpet program: the developers of Net IT worked closely with and obtained technical support from the Microsoft Power BI team.

In addition, Net IT organised a range of CRM trainings and communication sessions to help facilitate the shift to the new way of working for Sales & Marketing at Vasco Group.

Together, as a team, we nailed IT.


More Productive

Compared to the past, the sales department now has a 360° view of every client and direct access to all the necessary information to work in a client-centric way.


The administrative process required to create a new client is almost twice as fast as before (3 days compared to a week).

More Structured

The process to create or renew ‘Contracts’ has been completely restructured. Thanks to the online collaboration, several people can work on the document in parallel, offering a clear overview of the approvals that are still required.

Big Boost

The CRM system currently has a major database of 124.000 clients, 140.000 leads, 48.000 contacts, 24.800 SharePoint folders and 12.000 visit reports for 131 active users.

Meanwhile, approximately 25% more client appointments have been registered and there is a 30% improvement in client focus (the most important clients receive personal advice).

Hans Steenbreker IT Director
“When doing business, having the right cultural fit is very important. With Net IT, we were able to speak the same language.”

Solution Overview